Wednesday 12 August 2015

Lord George Carnarvon's Motor Accident in Germany 1909

Tutankhamun Centenary -2022 

Motor Accident Germany in 1909

 Prince Victor Duleep Singh Dashes to save his beloved friend

RE; Tutankhamun Centenary - 2022  : As we move towards the Centenary of the discovery by Howard Carter and Lord George Carnarvon of the precious, priceless Tomb of Tutankhamun in Egypt's Valley of the Kings , the Carnarvon- Carter- Tutankhamun timeline  requires revisiting to ensure the historical record has accuracy and integrity.

This note relates to  Lord George  Carnarvon's  motor car accident in Germany from 1909. The year and  date are  incorrectly recorded as  1901  many thousands of times in books, journals and on the Internet .  The motor accident  - that almost cost Carnarvon his life-  did not happen until 1909, by which time he had met Howard Carter  and they had  already  been working together for several years  digging at Thebes. 

As the accident was 1909  this often mentioned  event in Germany  could never have been the reason Lord Carnarvon first went to Egypt to explore the tombs.   In fact in Carnarvon's own words it had always been [ his] wish and intention even as far back as 1889  [  the first time  that George - as Lord Porchester - or 'Porchey' as he was known to family and friends  travelled out  to Egypt  ].. to start excavating,,,," in the area.

The extract from The London Times -above- from 28 August 1909 confirms the date as 1909.  In  1889 Carnarvon went to Egypt with his devoted friend  Prince Victor Duleep Singh. As soon as Duleep -  always called  ' Tulip' by Carnarvon -  learned of the serious accident in Germany he left London immediately to dash to the aid of his most beloved friend.    It was Duleep's input - along with Almina, Carnarvon's wife - that saved him - and not for the first time- from the jaws of death.




  1. Howard Carter's troubled childhood years by William Cross

  2. Tutankhamun 2022 : A Story Board of the epic discovery of Tutankhamun and the relationship between Lord George Carnarvon and Howard Carter
